Trace of the installation/performance " Zombie Machine Music" Artists: Marc Plas, Matthieu Crimersmois LAM : Video-Montage: Stella Markidi Théâtre Berthelot Montreuil, Paris Mai 2012
We were filming for 2 months, inside Paris, "l'exotisme prés de chez-vous", taking samples from the daily life, in the period before the presidential elections in France, using two sources, a mobile camera and a canon cameraHD. Keeping the direct environmental sounds as recorded while the montage is destructive and complimentary at the same time, as a collection of a data bank. The etymology of the word exotic comes from the Greek word "exotikos" where "Exo" means outside. This work is a part of a triptych was made for the exhibition "Exotikos", organized by the association "Rhézome", on May 2012 at the "Maison du citoyen" de Fontenay-Sous-Bois. By Stella Markidi and Matthieu Crimersmois